Thoughts about ministry and service.
I intend that this post be one that continuously evolves, as I build what I hope are biblical perspectives upon whatever ministry I and others may be called to, especially when it’s a public one. These are not intended to be in any order or priority.
In writing these, I realize that because of my past I may never be called upon to be a pastor or actually lead a body of believers in Christ as one, because I long ago disqualified myself from that role by my own stupidity. But I feel these are principles that still can be applied to anyone involved in public ministry.
Feel free to use the Comments section at the end of this post to offer your own guidance, advice, or (hopefully godly) counsel about ministry. –SB
Never walk away from the Word of God, even when it doesn’t agree with me. It, and it alone, is the standard under which everything must be subjected. I must comform to it, not seek to conform it to my personal opinion or lifestyle.
It is solely by the grace and mercy of God that I am allow to minister. I neither deserve nor merit the position in which Christ has put me, and both it and its benefits can be taken away from me at any time.
Biblical Christian ministry is service, not to be served. I must give far more than I receive from it, but also recognize I must have something to give (see item about “empty vessels”).
As a public minister of the Gospel, my life is an open book that will be read by both friend and foe, by both supporters and detractors. I must see to it that my book always points to Christ.
If I am called upon to cast judgment, recognize that Matthew 7:1 and Matthew 7:2 go together. Rendering judgment must come from a place of humility in the knowledge that “with the measure [I] use, it will be measured to [me].”
If married, my first spiritual obligation after Christ is to my spouse and children. Period. (I failed catastrophically on this.)
Recognize that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are present to support, edify, and build up when used correctly. They must not be abused to produce an emotional high or some kind of show that draws away from its intended purpose, which is to bring honor and glory to no one other than God.
The end goal of any disciplinary process, wherever possible, is restoration. Excommunication does not become a consideration unless and until all other avenues are exhausted.
I need accountability like everyone else. I choose to submit to elders and/or mentors who have the permission to call me out when something is not right, and I have the obligation to listen, seek Godly counsel, and adjust or be corrected in response to such counsel.
Money and gain must never be flaunted nor abused. That which I do not need should be given away for the sake of the Gospel.
Worship should never be a show for entertainment. I am a fellow worshipper leading the assembly into the presence of God, not an entertainer.
I can’t pour anything out from an empty vessel. Therefore I will seek to fill myself continuously with the Word of God, regular prayer and conversation with Him, and practice of the spiritual disciplines.